haram things Pornography in Islam: A Comprehensive Exploration

Pornography in Islam: A Comprehensive Exploration

pornography in Islam


In the modern age of digital connectivity, the topic of pornography has become increasingly relevant across various cultures and religions. Islam, as a comprehensive way of life, addresses this issue with a unique perspective that is deeply rooted in its ethical and moral framework. This article throws light upon the concept of pornography in Islam, examines its definitions, implications and how it reconciles with the teachings of the religion.

Definition of pornography in Islam

The first step in understanding the Islamic stance on pornography is to understand its definition. In Islamic terms, pornography refers to explicit material, including images, videos or literature, that promote or depict sexual content in a lewd and indecent manner. This definition reflects the faith’s emphasis on humility, chastity, and the sanctity of the marital relationship. It is Zina in Islam which is conduct by eye

Islamic Perspectives: Moral and Ethical Framework

Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of modesty and purity in all aspects of life. The human body is considered sacred, and its display should be confined to marriage. Pornography is seen as a violation of this sanctity, as it objectifies individuals and undermines the value of intimacy within a legitimate marital bond.

What Quran And Hadith and Scholars says about pornography

Quran says: “Do not even go near ‘Zina’. Allah prohibits us from approaching Zina, as stated in the Ayah, indicating that Zina does not occur without preceding actions that contribute to it.

Hadith says:

Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him)The eye commits ‘Zina’, and the palm of the hand, the foot, the body, the tongue and private part of the body confirm it or deny it.

The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, ‘There will surely be groups of my nation who will come on the Day of Rising with “good deeds” like white mountains of Tihama, but Allah Mighty and Majestic will make it all comes to dust (haba manthura).

Thawban (Allah be well pleased with him) asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, describe them to us and make them obvious lest we unwittingly be of them.’

‘They will be your brothers and they will be just like you, and they will pray at night just you do. However, they are people who while they are in private do all sorts of haram things that Allah has forbade” (Ibn Majah).

This hadith is sound: Busiri said the chain was sound, and Shaykh Shuayb al Arnaut said the hadith was authentic (hasan).

What scholars says about pornography in Islam:

1.Mufti Ismail Menk:

  • “Pornography is a grave sin in Islam. It corrupts the heart, mind, and soul, leading to a degradation of moral values and spirituality.”

2.Mufti Taqi Usmani:

  • “Islam condemns all forms of indecency and obscenity, and pornography falls under this category. It is a threat to the purity of one’s heart and soul.”

3.Sheikh Omar Suleiman:

  • “Pornography is a modern-day challenge that erodes the values of modesty and chastity. Muslims should actively work to resist its temptations.”


Why Islam prohibited explicit seen? (REASONS)

  • Islam makes it haram because of unrealistic, visualize expectations about a girl or spouse, it weaken commitment in Marriages.
  • Islam says lower your gaze and protect your private parts from doing wrong things, this is the morality Allah has asked from us to be do.

Impact on individuals and society

Islam places great emphasis on maintaining a healthy society. The spread of pornography in Islam is considered detrimental to this goal, as it can lead to moral decadence, erosion of family values, and distorted perceptions of relationships. Such results highlight the religion’s concerns about maintaining a strong and virtuous community structure.

Solving Challenges: Guidance and Solutions

1.Seeking Security Through Faith

Islam provides its followers with tools to deal with the allure of pornography. Regular prayer, fasting, and reciting the Qur’an are recommended as ways of strengthening one’s faith and self-discipline, which ultimately helps to resist the temptations that may lead to consumption of explicit materials. Are.

2.Open communication and education

An essential aspect of addressing the issue of obscenity within Islamic teachings is the promotion of open dialogue within families and communities. Education about the harmful effects of pornography, combined with discussions about healthy relationships and the sanctity of marriage, can help individuals make informed choices.

3.Digital Age and Challenges

The proliferation of the Internet and digital media has brought challenges in practicing Islamic principles. The ease of access to explicit content online requires utmost vigilance among individuals, parents and guardians to protect themselves and their families from its negative impact.

4.Adopting technology for good

While the Internet can be a source of temptation, it can also be put to positive use. Islamic scholars and organizations are using digital platforms to spread awareness about the dangers of pornography, provide resources for recovery, and promote healthy relationships in line with Islamic teachings.

5.Don’t follow Satanic Path:

“In various verses of the Quran, God warns us against following the path of Satan, who tempts us toward indecency (fuhsha) and encourages us to engage in actions that are universally considered moral. is considered wrong (al-munkar).

6.Restrain your gaze:

“Order the believing men to restrain their gaze and to guard their private parts. It is more pure for them. Surely Allah is Well Acquainted with what they do.

And enjoin the believing women to restrain their gaze and to guard their private parts, and also not to reveal their adornment except that which is self-evident.” Quran.

1.Some tips for restraining gaze if it’s major problem

1)Make a close eye for 5 to 10 seconds and refresh your IMAAN that Allah is watching me, this works to me personally because of the precious thing we Muslim have (IMAAN).

2)MEDITATE: After Fajar and Asar, sit at your place in Masjid and lower your head down and close your eyes for some minutes and imagine or visualize yourself in the grave and think that Angels are beating and torturing the one who was watching the explicit videos and Jahannam is calling his name and recalling. By doing this Multiple times you will be In Sha Allah, leaving the Habit.


One scholar told to the man who came to him asking about comitting the Eyes Zinah and want to leave this Habit, Scholar said:O man, when you see the Na-mahram or Girl then pray 2 Rakah and that’s it.

Man came to him after few days, Really happy told to Scholar I had left the Habit of Eyes Zina(looking with evil aspect) Scholar said: “this is shaytan who don’t want to make sajdah because Shaytan is very happy when someone don’t offer salah and sajdah and you did Sajdah frequently ,this make Shaytan Upset and feared and when dilemma comes to mind, Shaytan say O Man lower your gaze.

This was the short story summarize to show you that take a stand against your mind and dilemma and Quran Says:” for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds”


In conclusion, the perspective on pornography in Islam is deeply rooted in the principles of modesty, morality, and respect for human dignity. Islamic teachings emphasize the sanctity of marriage and the importance of maintaining purity and modesty in one’s actions and thoughts. Pornography is considered harmful to these values, as it objectifies individuals and promotes immoral behavior. Although there is not any differing interpretations within the Islamic community regarding the severity of its prohibition, there is general consensus that it should be avoided. Ultimately, the discussion on obscenity in Islam underlines the broader objective of promoting a virtuous and religious society where individuals strive to live in accordance with Islamic morals and values.


Q1: Is watching explicit content of any kind considered a sin in Islam? A1: Yes, Islam considers the consumption of explicit material to be a violation of its teachings on modesty and purity.

Q2: How can parents address the issue of pornography with their children?

A2: Parents should have open and age-appropriate conversations with their children, emphasizing the harmful effects of pornography and the importance of politeness.

Q3: Are there online resources to help individuals overcome pornography addiction?

A3: Yes, many Islamic organizations provide resources and support for individuals struggling with pornography addiction.

Q4: Can married couples use explicit content to improve their relationship?

A4: Islamic teachings encourage marital intimacy, but explicit content is not recommended as it may lead to unhealthy comparisons and unrealistic expectations.

Q5: What is the role of the wider community in addressing the issue of pornography?

A5: The community plays an important role in raising awareness, providing education, and providing support to individuals and families dealing with the challenges of pornography consumption.


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